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#TheWriteWay Post 3: How I Write A Book in A Month!

Hello everyone, and welcome to July! Happy Independence Day to all my American friends.

It's that time again -- the third installment of #TheWriteWay, where I blog about everything writing!

Today, I'll be blogging about how I write a book in a month.

Yes, a full book.

There are some people who think I am lying or exaggerating, but I'm not. I commit to writing a chapter a day -- usually 2800 to 3500 words each. I typically write around 29 or 30 chapters in each novel, which equals to one month.

In June 2020, I wrote THE TIME TRAVEL AGENCY which is around 60k words. In May 2020, I wrote GHOUL SCHOOL, which was also around 60k words. (It's children's fiction, so it doesn't have to be as long as young adult or adult.)

The novel before that in April 2020, KINGDOM OF V, came to 96k words that I wrote in a month. It was a vampire young adult story. (I just finished the final draft of edits on that yesterday). This month, I'm writing my mystery novel, ROOM WITH A VIEW, which I expect to come in around 85k to 95k by the end of this month. For August 2020, I'll be beginning my middle grade spy novel, the first in a series. Near the end of the month, I'll be sitting down for a few hours with a notebook, planning that novel out before I begin.

How do I do it?

It's taken me YEARS to cultivate a writing schedule that works for me. I'm also a full-time writer, which means I don't have another job, and living with my parents helps a lot. I don't have a significant other or children. I recognize not everyone has those privileges, which is why my method would not work for them.

This is my best advice to writing your novel in a month:


I dedicate my mornings to my writing. My parents know this, and they usually leave me alone. It's why I get up at 6 a.m. It usually takes me three hours to write a chapter, and I don't waste time. I do take a few breaks, though -- usually to get snacks and use the bathroom. I work weekends, holidays, and on my birthday, too. Do not let distractions get in your way -- turn off your phone and shut your door if you need to.


I keep a notebook in front of me when I write to jot down ideas and character names. When I finish a chapter, I write down points for my next chapter -- big things that are set to happen. Outlining is crucial for any writer, especially beginners. I would NEVER sit down to write without one. My outline is not so airtight that the characters can't express themselves on their own, however -- I do give the story some leeway to go on its own direction, but I have the main plot points figured out already. It's important to know how your novel starts and ends before you begin.

LET YOUR FIRST DRAFT BE MESSY I said that I write a novel in a month, but I really mean the first draft. The second, third, and fourth drafts usually take 2 extra months. It's important when you're writing the first draft not to get caught up in fixing errors or making it look perfect. (I know some writers that go back and edit before the story is finished, and I would NEVER do that.) The point of a first draft is to get the story down on the page, then go back later and fix it. I keep a page in my notebook of continuity errors I've noticed that I intend to fix in the next few drafts.


This one is difficult, but necessary. Your brain is going to tell you that you can't do it -- that you're not talented enough to write a book in a month. You can't listen to it. You have to stay positive and believe in yourself -- always. Some writers end up giving themselves writer's block because they start to believe in their self-doubt. If you believe you can, you will. I know I can -- I've done it before, and I will this time and prove my self-doubt wrong. Luckily, I go into a trance when I'm writing and I'm able to push out those evil, negative thoughts for a little while.

Remember: it took me a few years to figure out how to write a book in a month. I certainly didn't start my writing career off like that. The same might be true for you.

Yes, writing a book in a month is very productive, but it's also exhausting hard work. I'll admit I'm a workaholic and often sacrifice my sleep and free time to make it happen. It takes a lot of dedication and downright stubbornness.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: WRITE AT THE PACE THAT WORKS FOR YOU. If that's three months or three years, so be it. What's important is that you make progress, no matter how small. This is just my way of writing and what works for me. I would never judge someone for writing slower because writing is a personal experience and different for everyone.

I have hundreds upon hundreds of ideas for novels, and I want to write as many as I can in my lifetime. That's why I write so fast. I'm aiming for 400 books in my lifetime. Wish me luck! I've written 22 novels so far and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon!

As always, thanks for reading! Best of luck to you if you're writing a novel.



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