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Writer's picturedanagricken

#TheWriteWay Blog Post 16 - Harsh Writing Truths

Hi all!

For the last #TheWriteWay blog post of January, I thought I'd take inspiration from Twitter.

There's a trending topic right now called "Harsh Writing Truths" where writers share advice and lessons from their careers. I'd like to share some things I've learned about writing:

It's Hard Work

Like, really hard work. Coming up with characters, interesting sub-plots, setting,'s a lot. Make sure to take breaks and be proud of yourself. You're creating a whole new world!

You're practically a God. It's a full-time job for sure -- and then some.

Your First Book Might Not Make It...Or Your Second

The first trilogy I wrote was rejected -- The Dragonwitch Chronicles. (Read it for FREE on Kobo, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, and more!) So what did I do? I self-publshed it for free. My second trilogy, The Soulless War, available now on Amazon, was traditionally published by a small publisher called Fire and Ice YA.

But it didn't happen over night! It took many years and HUNDREDS of rejections. The truth is, your first book probably won't land you a publishing house, agent, readers, or tons of cash.

What do you do? Keep writing! Start new stories -- as many as you can. The more stories, the more chances!

You Need Thick Skin

This one is hard because I believe many writers are sensitive -- like me. But to survive rejection, one-star reviews, and self-doubt, you need a thick skin and lots of confidence. So take breaks, lean on your family and friends (especially writer friends who understand), and be patient and gentle with yourself.

The journey isn't easy, but you can do it!

Not Everyone Wants You To Succeed

In your career, you'll come across jealous people. Maybe they're writers, maybe they aren't. But some people are jealous and spiteful and might take their anger out on you. It's not your fault -- it's just who they are. Don't let them stop you from being yourself and writing!

Don't Quit Your Day Job

Especially in the beginning of your career, money will be hard to come by. Your books probably won't make enough to buy food, let alone rent. Keep working your day job and hustling on the side. You never know -- it might become your full time career one day!

To sum up, believe in yourself. You'll need that.

Writing is hard, but the journey is worth it. I wouldn't want any other career.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!


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