First off, I want to start my blog by wishing my grandpa a happy 79th birthday! Happy Birthday, Poppy.
Secondly, today marks one week since my beloved cat, Becky, died.
Can you believe it's been a week already? Time flies. It certainly did when my amazing cat, Buddy, passed in 2017. Where does the time go?
We're close to adopting another cat named Timmy. He seems very affectionate and energetic, which is perfect for my four year old cat named Whitey! He really needs a friend after losing Becky and his sister, Jack, back in 2018.
There have been TOO many pet deaths. I've lost four pets since 2014:
Chandler, my albino guinea pig. He died on Christmas Eve 2014. He was a rescue who was left in the freezing cold Canadian Winter with his brother. His brother died, but a pet rescue found and saved Chandler. I knew I had to adopt him. He gave us two amazing years.
Buddy, my childhood pet. He died at age 13. Man, that one was rough. I adopted him when I was 5 and he died when I was 18. It was the death of my childhood, too. I still miss him every second.
Jackie "Jack" -- and Whitey's sister. She passed away at eleven months, two weeks shy of her first birthday. Leukemia, the vet thought. We were stunned when she died. She should've lived a long time.
And finally, Becky, who passed away last week. She was almost 20 years old and her body was shutting down because of old age. I adopted her when she was 16 after her owner died. I guess I should be grateful she gave me four years of love and friendship. I wish I had her for the full 20, though.
I've taken some time off writing lately to grieve. I haven't had the motivation to write, and I've had really bad headaches, too. Most likely from a lack of eating and sleeping and all the stress and grief on me.
That's why I'd like to share my poem on Pet Loss. Poetry is very therapeutic for me. I hope it will help you as it's helped me.
Stay healthy and thanks for reading!
