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  • Writer's picturedanagricken

It's My 22nd Birthday + Poem!

Happy birthday to me!!

22 years ago, I was born on Wednesday, October 7th, 1998.

Crazy to think 22 years has gone by already. Where did my childhood go??

Because of the pandemic -- I've been housebound since early March 2020 -- I'll be spending it at home with my parents, grandparents, takeout from my favorite Vegan Vietnamese restaurant, a good book, and some video games.

Also doing some writing this morning -- I'm a workaholic! :D

Here is a birthday selfie:

And my poem about birthdays:

Happy birthday to all my birthday twins out there!

Here's to another great year. I hope 2021 is better and I'll be able to go out next year for my 23rd birthday! :)

Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes!


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